Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sites to Help ID caterpillars

Even though I love my butterfly identification books, they don’t have any info about moths and caterpillars. Fortunately, the Web does: This has lots of pictures of all sorts of bugs. You have to browse through the photos (organized by family) and compare the images to your critter. However, the site also has a feature where you can upload a photo and other people can id it. The focus is on the US and Canada. If you think you know what your insect is, you can search for the name and compare your bug to the photos. Has both butterfly and caterpillar ID guides where you select features and it returns some species. Their database is small in these areas (caterpillars- 173 total, butterflies- 795) but considering the site is trying to ID all other living things in the world (including 122 types of slime mold), it is a good start. Lots of photos. You can also send photos in for identification.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Caterpillar?

Caterpillar or grub? Friend or foe?
I found a caterpillar where I didn’t expect it: on my oregano plant. My oregano plant was the one plant that survived last year’s ill fated herb garden. The mint is alive as well but  stunted and miserable. I think it needs shade but since it is with the oregano, which is doing great where it is, the mint will have to suffer. The oregano plant started to worry me because it seemed that the tips of the plant were getting dried up. Now I think it is the caterpillars fault. I found the caterpillar while I was harvesting some oregano. However, I’m a bit puzzled by it. I guessed it might be some kind of moth or garden pest. However, oregano is supposed to repel some of those. It was kind of a non-descript greenish-white inch worm looking thing with a round yellow head. My online search didn’t reveal much. The closest image match seems to be the light brown apple moth which is a notorious pest that has caused a quarantine in places. However, this caterpillar is supposed to have a green stripe which I didn’t notice on the caterpillar on my oregano plant. Also, I didn’t see the drastic leaf damage or webs on the leaves. The caterpillar also resembled some skipper caterpillars. I hope this is the case. However, skipper food plants are supposed to be mostly grasses. I guess I’ll keep an eye out for later instar changes. I guess it could also be some kind of beetle grub.

Columbine Brutally Attacked

A couple weeks ago we came home and found the columbine was gone. Since the lawn was mowed and the plants were trimmed we suspected the gardener. We dug through the bag of yard waste in the trash and recovered the severely damaged columbine. I called up the gardener and he said his new assistant must have done it. I told him to make sure he and his assistants don’t touch any of the plants in the containers.

I still don’t get it. Of all the plants, why pull out one that was obviously planted in a container and even had a little nursery name tag next to it! It was in the same container with the milkweed and you’d think if a gardener was going to mistake one of the two for a weed, it would have been the milkweed.

Rowshan replanted the remains but it is not doing well. Most of the leaves have dried up and there is just one little bit that is green.

The Monarch Program

 Unlike the zoo, the Monarch Program in Encinitas, has a permanent butterfly enclosure. They call this the Butterfly Vivarium. They are a research and educational organization that studies monarch migration and butterfly relations with host plants. It is in a residential area and the museum part of the facility is a converted house.

Monarch caterpillar
I walked inside the house/museum but no one was there. So we walked into the Vivarium. A woman came out of the greenhouse and invited us to start our tour in the museum. On the way we were joined by  a mother and her two children. Inside another mother and two children joined us. First we looked at a display of pinned butterfly specimens. I’ve gotten so used to seeing live butterflies that I couldn’t help but notice how strange the specimens look with their wings spread open so they are transformed from 3 dimensions into two. Our guide informed us the world’s smallest butterfly was a CA native, the pygmy blue. We looked at monarch caterpillars and chrysalises. Some of the caterpillars were in the process of transforming themselves, hanging upside down.

Red Admiral

West Coast Lady
We watched a short video of the butterfly lifecycle and then went into the vivarium. The vivarium was a simple wood frame building with high ceilings and walls and roof of screening and clear plastic tarp. There was a little pool in the middle and flowers both in the ground and in pots. It was a much more restful environment than the zoo and there were even some benches and butterfly books for people who just wanted to sit and relax. The butterflies were all locals: mourning cloaks, red admirals, sulphurs, West Coast ladies, anise swallowtails, and cabbage whites. But the real treat for us was a California dogface. The California dogface is the state butterfly. It is notoriously difficult to photograph with its wings open revealing the rose upper wings with their dogface design. With its wings closed, it just resembles a sulphur with pointed upper wings. Our guide explained that the dogface butterflies are colonial so they won’t just drift into your garden if you plant their cassia food plant. They gathered them in the wild and bred them in the facility.

California Dogface
The Monarch Program is located at 450 Ocean View Ave. in Encinitas, CA. Their hours are Saturdays: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM, or by appointment (including the winter months). In the summer, they are open Thursdays and Fridays as well. The admission is a $7 donation to the program ($6 teens and seniors, $5 children 3-12). They also sell butterfly plants and seeds.

Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve: Butterfly Crossing

Sarah Orange Tip
Common Ringlet

We first went to Penesquitos last week. It was around 5PM but there were still western tiger swallowtails, Sarah orange tips, mourning cloaks, whites and blues about. Last Sunday, Rowshan went by himself earlier in the day and reported a butterfly tree. He took a photo of a butterfly I we hadn't noticed before, the common ringlet (Coenonympha tullia). He’d even seen a butterfly lay an egg. He took me there today. 
Lorquin's Admiral
California Sister

Umber Skipper
The butterfly tree was off a path leading to a grave. Almost instantly we caught sight of a Lorquin’s admiral (Limenitis lorquini) and a California sister (Adelpha bredowii). One perched in a tree and the other on a shrub next to it. But soon one chased the other away. At first glance California sisters and Lorquin's admirals look the same. In fact, it wasn't until I looked at the photos that I realized they were different. The orange spot on the California sister's wings is separated from the edge of the wing by a border. On the Lorquin's admiral's wings it stretches to the edge of the wing. The underside of the wings also looks different. A mourning cloak perched on the white fence around the grave. A white flashed by as well. At the foot of the butterfly tree, a skipper landed on a small plant. It also flew off then returned. Skippers are a bit overwhelming for me to identify but I think this one is an umber skipper (Poanes melane) due to the way the spots on the wings look Next to main path there was a patch of flowers. A mourning cloak had staked them out as its territory. Next to the stream, another mourning cloak had claimed a willow tree. 

California Buckwheat

Penasquitos has a patch of California buckwheat marked with a sign. I eagerly looked for all the butterflies that are supposed to love California buckwheat but didn’t find any.